Saturday, November 19, 2005

Vernon Robinson, ex-WS Councilman, anti-gay bigot & homophobe, gets his own blog

My blog has moved!!! Please visit my new blog for all the newest news, events, opinions and more!!!
You will be automatically re-directed in three seconds. Click the link to go to the new blog now. Use the search function on the new blog to find any story you are looking for on here.

Wow! Welcome to the 21st Century Vernon! I just learned from Jon Lowder's blog that good ole' Winston-Salem city bigot Vernon Robinson is blogging now. Vernon Robinson was the former Winston-Salem City Council for the South Ward and is well known for his vocal outspokeness against gay rights and other issues. Back in April 2004, Vernon held a counter-protest against my protest of the Boy Scouts' anti-gay policies ("Groups hold competing rallies on Scout policy"). I wonder though... now that he has been turned down by voters (previous post) what will he use this blog for... personal rants, bigoted and sideways remarks... Guess we will just have to watch and find out. You can see his blog here: