Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Anti-gay groups place ads denouncing hate crimes law in major papers

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According to an article published by News, anti-gay and ex-gay groups have placed full page ads in several major US papers condemning the hate crimes legislation passed by the United States House of Representatives in September. The ads were paid for by a coalition of groups including the American Family Association, Exodus International and Focus on the Family Action. The ads appeared in The Orlando Sentinel, The Indianapolis Star, The Nevada Appeal, Omaha World Herald and Roll Call. The ads featured a group of "ex-gays" standing uder a banner which read: "Hate crime laws say we were more valuable as homosexuals that we are as former homosexuals." According to the article:
The ads claim that including gays in hate crime laws would give homosexuals more rights than "ex-gays" and asks "Whatever happened to the constitutional guarantee of equal justice under the law?" The cities in which the ad were placed are in states where Senators are considered vulnerable. The House passed legislation in September to expand federal hate crimes laws to include gays, lesbians and the transgendered. (story) A Senate bill is awaiting a final vote.
The Human Rights Campaign has called the ads "inflammatory and misleading." In letters to the newspapers, HRC President Joe Solmonese said "right-wing extremist groups are using lies to promote fear and stop the passage of a critical crime-fighting tool." "Newspaper policies typically ensure that inflammatory and inaccurate ads are thoroughly vetted before even the slightest consideration of publishing. We are requesting that you stop running these ads and set the record straight with your readers," the letters say. ====== So... can anyone tell me why these supposed "family values" groups are so against protecting people against hate? It seems to me that a good family value would be love, the exact opposite of hate. I guess "family values" is just a code word for "We love everybody (except for the queers... we can hate them)."