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You will be automatically re-directed in three seconds. Click the link to go to the new blog now. Use the search function on the new blog to find any story you are looking for on here.According to an
article published by the Charlotte Observer, the Echo Foundation of Charlotte will honor a UNC-Chapel Hill sophomore and LGBT youth advocate.
Andrew Chan, a graduate of Providence High and UNC-Chapel Hill student, will be honored with one of the Echo Foundation's inaugural Young Heros of Hope Awards for his work in "spearheading programs that advocate fairness for gay, lesbian and bisexual youth".
Believe it or not, North Carolina youth are on the fore front of politics, activism and advocacy. Don't believe? Just take a look around my blog, or that of
Samantha Korb's.
Youth are heavily involved in North Carolina's LGBT advocacy scene. Youth are leading the way toward a brighter future and better lives for all Americans.
Congrats to Andrew Chan.
Technorati Tags: gay youth, gay, lgbt, gay rights, charlotte, chapel hill, unc, north carolina