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You will be automatically re-directed in three seconds. Click the link to go to the new blog now. Use the search function on the new blog to find any story you are looking for on here.PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) has issued a statement concerning Zach Stark (pictured left), the gay 16 year old Tennessee boy who blogged about being sent to an ex-gay camp by his parents.
I have followed this story for a while now, in fact, I have followed it since practically the beginning. Zach was supposed to be released from Refuge on Friday, July 29, 2005. I have not seen any news reports concerning his release on Friday and it is still not yet known what kind of effect the camp might have had on Zach.
I keep him in my prayers and hope that he has come through this journey okay. I also pray that he has not given in to the hate-filled and bigoted beliefs of the radical religious right. God loves all of His children. It is my belief and the belief of so many others that our loving and merciful God cares more about our love and devotion to Him rather than who we love. I also firmly believe that we will all be judged on
how we loved and not
who we loved in this earthly life.
To see the PFLAG statement:
Click Here