My blog has moved!!! Please visit my new blog for all the newest news, events, opinions and more!!!
You will be automatically re-directed in three seconds. Click the link to go to the new blog now. Use the search function on the new blog to find any story you are looking for on here.Last night I was asked if I would like to volunteer to help begin organizing for the 2008 March on Washington for LGBT Equality (projected date: April 2008). Well, of course, I said, "YES!"
The planning and organizing for the 2008 March will definitely be a grassroots movement,
As of right now (July 2005), I am the only volunteer to start organizing for the Piedmont/Triad area of North Carolina.
Please check out:, the Piedmont/Triad 2008 March on Washington Organizing site. I've also set up a blog to go along with site, so that people in the Triad can keep up to date on all current news and information:
For more info, just visit the organizing page!