Saturday, September 03, 2005

NC Marriage Amendment dies with the end of this year's Legislative Session

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According to an article on and from the Equality NC Newsletter of September 2, 2005, the North Carolina marriage amendment has died as the General Assembly closed this year's legislative session. Equality NC Newsletter, Sept. 2, 2005:
A few minutes ago, the North Carolina General Assembly adjourned its 2005 session without voting on the proposed anti-LGBT state constitutional amendment. For the second year in a row, North Carolina is the only state in the Southeast that faced an anti-gay amendment and stopped it in the legislature! We have stopped an attack on LGBT families that would not only have denied equal marraige rights to same-sex couples, but would have prohibited any form of recognition for same-sex couples. The language of the amendment was so broad it could even have prevented private employers from offering partner health benefits. This remarkable victory is made possible because of lots of hard work by Equality North Carolina, our allies, and supporters like you. Without the making a special donation to Equality NC today. We couldn't have done this without the support of people like you, and we need you to help us continue growing and expanding our political power now. Click here to make your contribution. Again, thank you for your support as we fought this attack on our families this year. Sincerely, Ian Palmquist and Ed Farthing Executive Directors Equality NC


this is a very very good thing. such an understatement, just what i said, but a VERY good thing indeed.