Thursday, September 01, 2005

Social Conservatives attack gay books & publications- Including one written by Winston-Salem's Maya Angelou

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According to an article on, social conservatives have been pushing ot have boooks and other publications with gay themes banned from public libraries across the nation. According to the article:
In the latest instance several dozen people demanded that a suburban Columbus library remove two gay publications - Outlook Weekly and Gay People's Chronicle. "Ours is a community of high standards and values," said Bruce Cameron, a 33-year resident of Upper Arlington. "The materials are lewd, salacious, lascivious - and a bunch of other big words of legal significance - but in normal parlance, disgusting, obscene and pornographic." People in the visitors gallery shouted down the board as it voted unanimously to keep the two free periodicals but place them in an area of the library where they would not be easily accessible by children.
The American Library Association says that attempts to have gay or gay themed books or publications removed have increased by more than 20% since 2004. According to the article:
Three books with gay themes were among the works most criticized - Maya Angelou's memoir "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings", "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky, and "King & King," by Linda de Haan and Stern Nijland.
===== One really must wonder why these radical, religious zealots, who are supposedly straight, care so much about gays. Why do they constantly fret over what the gays are doing unless they have some deep, dark secrets of their own. If they are truly as straight as they think they are then they would not be worrying so much about gays and gay sex now would they? GLBTQQ people have just as much right to the freedom of speech and freedom of the press as straight people and, yes, even as much as those radical, religious zealots. They need to back off.