Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Two teens tear down and burn rainbow flag saying it is "unpatriotic"

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According to an article published by the Washington Blade, two 17-yea-old boys have been discovered of tearing down and stealing a rainbow flag and then burning it, according to Bloomington, Indiana, police. A witness saw the boys take the flag and was able to take a picture of the license plate on the boys' car. Police were able to track down the boys with the picture taken by the camera phone and brought the boys into questioning. The reason given for the desecration, according to police, was that the boys thought the flag to be "unpatriotic." According to the article:
The boys were referred to juvenile court on preliminary charges of theft. "I just wish they would've come in and talked to me about it," Wade said. "I didn't know if it was a prank, an American flag issue or a gay issue. Any of them could've just come inside and had a conversation about it." Bloomington's Safe and Civil City Director Beverly Calender-Anderson said if there is a suspicion that the flag burning was a hate crime, the incident would get reported to the Human Rights Commission. "We do value and honor the diversity in our city and do not condone discrimination or any kind of acts against people because of their sexual orientation, gender, race, class or anything else," she said. Wade said he would replace the flag.