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You will be automatically re-directed in three seconds. Click the link to go to the new blog now. Use the search function on the new blog to find any story you are looking for on here.Today, October 11th, is National Coming Out Day, a project spearheaded by the Human Rights Campaign, the largest gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender civil rights, advocacy and lobbying group in the United States of America. National Coming Out Day also celebrates the October 11, 1987 LGBT March on Washington.
This year's theme for NCOD is "Talk About It". People are encouraged to talk about their coming out experiences in order to raise awareness and help to educate the public. Today, out of all days, is when LGBT persons should be willing to be open and maybe even somewhat a little more open than usual.
For those who have not yet "come out", HRC offers great and valuable resources on its NCOD website,
Below are some local events celebrating NCOD:
- The Wake Forest University Gay-Straight Student Alliance will have an informational booth about NCOD on campus and will have a Coming Out Party at its weekly meeting on Wednesday. For more information visit:
- PFLAG Winston-Salem will have a NCOD party this evening. For more information visit:
- UNCG PRIDE! will have a meeting focused on coming out stories and experiences on Thursday. For more information visit:
Please note that the events being held by the WFU GSSA and UNCG PRIDE! are intended for college students/university affiliated persons only.
Last week, on Tuesday, October 4, 2005, UNCG PRIDE! held a large-scale celebration of National Coming Out Day due to classes being out for Fall Break yesterday and today (see earlier post
National Coming Out Day celebrated at UNCG). For pictures of UNCG's celebration of National Coming Out Day visit: