NC Baptists to meet in Winston-Salem next week; vote on rules banning gay-friendly churches
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Sanderson's amendment, which will be voted on when the convention meets next week in Winston-Salem, would tighten the requirements for church membership to the state convention by banning churches that endorse homosexual behavior, ordain openly gay clergy, perform gay marriages or accept openly gay members. Current policy within the convention already addresses some of the homosexuality issues. Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, in Raleigh, was kicked out of the state convention more than a decade ago, for example, after blessing a union between two homosexual men.The Reverend Nancy Petty of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church (which was kicked out of the convention almost a decade ago because of blessing a same-sex union) disagrees with the amendment that the Reverend Sanderson is proposing. "That is not the way Baptists operate," said the Rev. Petty, who is a lesbian. "It goes against the principles that Jesus taught that all people are included." ===== I grew up Baptist, now I'm converting to the Episcopal Church... most people know this. I don't think I will ever lose touch with my Baptist roots either and knowing that this anti-gay rhetoric will be going on in my hometown of Winston-Salem embarasses me.