My blog has moved!!! Please visit my new blog for all the newest news, events, opinions and more!!!
You will be automatically re-directed in three seconds. Click the link to go to the new blog now. Use the search function on the new blog to find any story you are looking for on here.The monthly Triangle Log Cabin Republicans' meeting will be held Tuesday, November 8, 2005 at 7:00 PM in the lobby conference room of the Raleigh Office Building at 5 W. Hargett Street, Raleigh (near the corner of Fayetteville Street Mall and W. Hargett Street).
If you are interested in attending or know for sure if you will be attending the meeting, please RSVP at:
Ok... just so I don't confuse people again... I am not a Republican... although some of my views come really, really close. I am a gay college student who is a Democrat. I have some "conservative"-leaning views, but I also have my own little "liberal" side, too. My blog is an "equal opportunity" blog... the Log Cabin Republicans are a great group and no one should ever attack them just because they are Republican... all-in-all they are a part of the Gay Rights Movement and deserve to be respected as much as other groups... groups like the HRC, Stonewall Democrats, PFLAG, etc. Any group or any person fighting for equality is welcome here.