Friday, November 11, 2005

Vatican to release document banning gays, even if celibate, from the priesthood

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From News: Vatican Reportedly Moving Ahead On Gay Priest Ban by Malcolm Thornberry European Bureau Chief Posted: November 11, 2005 11:00 am ET (Vatican City) The Vatican will release its long awaited document on gays in the priesthood by the end of this month a major Italian newspaper reported on Friday. Il Giornale, a Milan paper with close ties to the Vatican, published what it said were extracts from the document showing that the Church is preparing to impose a Catholic version of "don't ask, don't tell" on seminaries. "The Church cannot admit to the priesthood those who practice homosexuality, have deeply rooted homosexual tendencies or those who support the so-called 'gay culture,'" the newspaper quoted the document as saying. The document also says that no seminarian has a "right to receive ordination" and directs rectors of seminaries not allow men to proceed to the priesthood if there is "a serious doubt" about them. The document, according to Il Giornale, says that men who have had gay experiences in what it calls "part of a transitory problem" can be ordained if they have "clearly overcome the tendencies" for at least three years. The regulations will not affect those men who are already priests but only those entering seminaries to prepare for the priesthood. To read the full article click here ===== In high school, while I was going through my little religious journey... I seriously considered joing the Catholic Church... Boy, am I glad I chose the Anglican Church instead!


Yes... the Anglican Communion may be going through a hard time, but at least in the US branch of it, the Episcopal Church, I am not destined to go to hell just for being in a relationship with the person I love... also... I am able to enter into the priesthood.
posted by Blogger MHC at 11/11/2005 05:50:00 PM