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You will be automatically re-directed in three seconds. Click the link to go to the new blog now. Use the search function on the new blog to find any story you are looking for on here.From the Washington Blade:
College Republican leader sues over gay 'kiss-in for justice'
Groups were protesting military at Univ. of Nevada-Reno
RENO, Nevada (AP) | Nov 8, 8:49 AM
A college Republican leader at the University of Nevada-Reno has gone to court over last week's campus "kiss-in for justice" protest against military recruiters.
In a complaint filed last Thursday in Washoe County District Court, group Vice-Chairman Matt Beiser accuses student protesters of intimidating and verbally abusing students trying to talk to recruiters at a UNR Career Fair.
The complaint against the queer student union and two other student groups seeks a temporary restraining order and unspecified legal costs.
The three groups deny the charges and have decided to allow The American Civil Liberties Union file a motion to dismiss the complaint.
About two-dozen protesters stood with signs around recruiter tables after some protesters kissed each other.
They were protesting recruiters' presence on campus as well as the pentagon's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy on gay servicemembers.
Original Source: click here
I heard about this little "kiss-in" thing from the email list of the International Socialists (masquerading as the "Anti-War Coalition"). One of the three groups which did this protest was a student anti-war group and, to my knowledge, I believe some Socialists were involved. The International Socialist student group at UNCG has contacted UNCG PRIDE! asking them to partner in protesting against the military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' HaHa... after this article, I'd really hope UNCG PRIDE! will keep as far away as possible from the campus Socialists.