Friday, December 16, 2005 to launch 'LGBT Campus Report Card'

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According to, Fall 2006 will see the launch of a new project run by the group. The 'LGBT Campus Report Card' will allow students to take a survery which will grade their schools in certain areas of importance to LGBT students, including: LGBT Policy Inclusion, LGBT Support & Institutional Commitment, LGBT Student Life, LGBT Academic Life, LGBT Housing, LGBT Campus Safety, LGBT Counseling & Health and LGBT Recruitment and Retention Efforts. The 'report card' will even give schools a GPA or 'gay point average'. According to the website:
Fall 2006 Campus PrideNet in partnership with the release of the "Best of the Best: An Official Queer Guide to Higher Education" will be launching the first-ever national LGBT campus report card for colleges and universities. The online tool will enable campuses to self-rank the environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues. The report card will assign an overall "Gay Point Average" and a separate grade for sexual orientation issues and gender identity/expression issues. Report card responses and final grades will then be searchable online at Campus PrideNet. One upper-level administrator from every campus will complete the online report card annually in the Fall of each year to update or add new information. The administrator must have knowledge of lgbt issues and the authority to represent the campus in this manner.
One of's organizers is Shane Windmeyer, a Charlotte, NC, resident. Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , ,