KKK recruiting in Greensboro
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White supremecy and racial segregation, not exactly the warmest of Christmas greetings. But some homeowners in Greensboro say, that's exactly the holiday message delivered to their doorsteps by the Ku Klux Klan. People found the fliers in a north western Greensboro neighborhood. One of the three pages wishes the community a happy holiday there's also an application to join the Klan for $35. The first requirment is to be a white christian practicing racial intergrity. None of the materails had a local contact. Only the klans website, a Harrison, Arkansas phone number and an address for the Klan's international headquaters. People in the neighborhood say they're more distrubed than shocked that the KKK would choose to bring their message of white supremacy to their front doors. FOX8 tried to contact the KKK's international headquarters to find out how many fliers it sent out and how it picked the neighborhoods. No one at the KKK returned our phone calls.======= WOW! You would think that, by now, the KKK and other hate groups would have fizzled out. Human stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Everyone is fully aware of the KKK's historic stand of extreme racist and white supremist views, but what many people fail to realize is that the KKK is just as much of an anti-gay group as it is anti- everything else. This scares me a bit and I hope that the community will step up to show the KKK that they are not welcome here. Technorati Tags: gay youth, gay, lgbt, gay rights, ku klux klan, greensboro, triad, north carolina