Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Pro-Family? Try more like "Nazi"

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Below is an article published by lifesite.net:
Polish Pro-Family President Inaugurated By Terry Vanderheyden WARSAW, December 23, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Poland has confirmed its new president – pro-life and “strongly Catholic” Lech Kaczynski was sworn in today. As the mayor of Warsaw, Kaczynski banned “gay pride” parades two years in a row. Kaczynski, whose identical twin brother Jaroslaw heads the minority ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, earned 54.5 percent of the vote to defeat fellow presidential contender Donald Tusk in October. The European Union may try to deny Poland its EU voting status because Kaczynski opposes the celebration of homosexuality. The EU is calling Kaczynski’s actions as the mayor of Warsaw, where he banned a “gay pride” parade two years in a row, a potential contravention of article 6 of the Treaty of Nice. The Treaty states that countries must protect the rights of minorities. Under Article 7 of the Treaty, a country that violates human rights – as defined by the EU – can be deprived of voting rights.
I hate to use profanity on my blog but this is just too much: How in the hell can they call this man "pro-family"? He allowed the beating and torture of peaceful activists by police while anti-gay bigots stood to the side chanting, "We are going to do with you what Hitler did with the Jews!" This man, this president, this BIGOT is not "pro-family"... I think the word "Nazi" applies better than "pro-family". And on top of all that Poland, a country which was headed toward Democracy, is evolving backward and my just end up kicked out of the European Union. See past posts: Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , ,