Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Former MCC of Winston-Salem pastor to head up Guilford College LGBTQA programming

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According to a news release published by Guilford College, Greensboro, NC, the Reverend Ken Hull has been appointed to head up the college's LGBTQA programming. The Rev. K. Hull has been a pastor in the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) for the past 12 years and from 1999-2004 he served as the pastor of the MCC of Winston-Salem. As a part of his new duties, the Rev. K. Hull will help to lead Guilford Pride, the student LGBTQA group and the college's Queer and Allied Resource Center (QuARC). According to the article the Reverend will "work with students, faculty and staff to develop programs intended to promote a campus-wide ethic of respect for the GLBT community." Congrats to the Reverend Ken Hull! Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , ,


As a Quaker, I am so proud of Guilford College!!! And for those of you who might light to explore Quakerism, our Meeting is welcoming and affirming. We've been doing same sex unions since 1993 (in the unprogrammed Quaker tradition). And we're pretty cool :-)!

Friendship Friends Meeting
Greensboro, NC

For more info, email me:
nclotus at

And who says Quakers don't
posted by Anonymous Anonymous at 2/01/2006 03:35:00 PM  
Thanks Anonymous... The Quakers have indeed been historically more open-minded and accepting of all people.
posted by Blogger MHC at 2/01/2006 03:52:00 PM  
Yes they have Matt. However, one has to be somewhat careful in this area. There are several distinct Quaker groups, some of which lean toward a more evangelical stance.

Even though our Meeting is a "Conservative" Meeting, we are conservative only in that we keep the historic Quaker unprogrammed worship and honor the testimonies of peace, equality, integrity and simplicity. Most (all?) Conservative Friends Meetings are socially progressive.

The other Meeting (other that Friendship Meeting) in the Triad which are welcoming are: New Garden Friends, Winston-Salem Friends, Jamestown Friends, First Friends and Spring Friends in Snow Camp.

By the way, the world gathering of Queer Quakers will be in Greensboro in 2007.

I am trying to put together a flyer of Queer friendly religious groups here in the Triad. I'll keep everyone posted on that.

Oh yeah, it's Craig. Sorry to post as Anonymous last time.

Peace out!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous at 2/02/2006 10:10:00 AM