Guilford College to consider 'gender-blind' housing policy
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Norton said he sought the change because "I think there's a rule in place that doesn't really have any merit in today's time. I think it's a rule that is founded on this assumption that doesn't really exist, assumptions about gender and sexuality that aren't true."The gender-blind housing policy would also provide for more comfortable rooming options for students who are transgendered or transexual. I think that UNCG has such a policy, although it is difficult for two students to get permission from the Housing Office to room together. I'll have to look into that. All-in-all, though, today has been a good day in the News & Record. Good coverage on the ART/Graffiti Ads issue and the gender-blind housing issue at Guilford. GO N&R! If you are looking for more information on the Gender-blind Housing proposal, click here to see the proposal rationale, from the Guilford College Student Senate website. Technorati Tags: gay youth, gay, lgbt, gay rights, guilford college, gender-blind housing, greensboro, triad, north carolina