Sunday, October 09, 2005

Upcoming PFLAG Winston-Salem events

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PFLAG Winston-Salem (Parents, Friends, Family of Lesbians and Gays) will host a free educational/awareness workshop of Transgender Issues and Awareness on Saturday, November 5, 2005. Place: Wake Forest University, Wingate Hall, Lower Auditorium (adjacent to Wait Chapel) Time: 1:00PM-4:00PM ** Please register for this free event so that PFLAG WS know how many materials and refreshments to provide! You can simply email them at to register and let them know how many in your party will be attending. ** Directions to WFU, Wingate Hall/Wait Chapel Click for directions Also, if you are interested.... Join PFLAG Winston-Salem for a night out at the movies! "A group from PFLAG Winston-Salem will be heading over to the Wynsong Carmike Cinema on Hanes Mall Blvd. on December 9, 2005 to see the Premier of Brokeback Mountain. To see the trailer, visit the official site: Brokeback Mountain Official Website. Join us on December 9th for a special evening at the movies!" For more info email ======= I hate to be biased here, but I'm going to. PFLAG Winston-Salem has got to be one of the Triad's most organized GLBTQA educational/awareness/support groups. Please don't pass them off just because they are in Winston and you are in Greensboro. PFLAG Winston-Salem is about all we have in the Triad now (to my knowledge, our three GLSEN chapters in NC failed to re-register with the national offices... someone correct me if I'm wrong).