Wednesday, January 18, 2006

LGBTQA college and youth group board members named

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The following is an article, printed in the most recent issue of Q-Notes, regarding QCYNT, the group I am working to help coordinate and establish with Alternative Resources of the Triad. More updates will be following soon. QCYNT had its first Advisory Board meeting on January 12, 2006.
Advisory board named GREENSBORO — The first members of the Queer College Youth Network of the Triad (QCYNT) Advisory Board were announced on Dec. 19. They are Marcia Smith-Fischer (University of North Carolina-Greensboro), David Norton (Guilford College) and Samantha Korb (University of North Carolina-Greensboro). QCYNT (pronounced “Q-cent”), is a networking group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer and allied (LGBTQA) college student organizations, their members and other LGBTQA youth in the Triad area. The first Advisory Board meeting is slated for this month. A date, time and place has not yet been determined. Persons not serving on the board will still be welcome to attend the meetings to give input, suggestions, ideas, etc. For more information about QCYNT and the Advisory Board visit and click on the “QCYNT” link on the navigation menu. If you are interested in serving on the Advisory Board email Matt Hill at Original Source
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