Sunday, January 01, 2006

Marriage Equality: Planning for 2006

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In the January Spotlight written by The Working Group of, the following question is posed:
What’s Ahead in 2006 for the Movement to Democratize Marriage? As a new year begins, those of us at have reflected back on the past year and gained a sense of how far we’ve come and how far we have to go in ending marriage discrimination in the United States. We came away with a renewed sense of the increasing strength of our movement, the gradual shift occurring in public opinion, and the need to create a movement that is self-reflective, committed broadly to social justice, and able to sustain itself over the long haul. We became most interested in what’s ahead for the marriage movement. And here we found ourselves thinking less about upcoming court decisions and state ballot initiatives, and more about areas of tension or weakness that our movement must address to continue to increase its effectiveness.
They also pose their own ideas and thoughts on what we, in the LGBT and straight allied community, can do in 2006:
  • A coalition of groups working for marriage equality must come together to create a savvy strategic plan aimed at dramatically shifting public opinion.
  • A strong national effort to recruit public opinion leaders (celebrities, athletes, public officials, educators, social justice leaders) who will be prominently featured in marketing campaigns and during direct actions
  • A national summit needs to be organized bringing LGBT critics of the marriage movement together with marriage equality activists for mutual education and mediation with the goal of increasing both sides’ knowledge and respect for the other’s viewpoint and producing an action agenda that both sides might support.
Like their ideas? Think something else could be done? Trot on over to the January Spotlight and read their full writing and offer your own thoughts and ideas! Technorati Tags: , , ,