Thursday, August 04, 2005

Liberals complain too much... Roberts should be confirmed.

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Personally, I see absolutely no reason why Roberts should not be confirmed for his nomination to the Supreme Court by President Bush. Roberts seems to be a very good guy for the job. He is fair, he is consistent and he has made judgments about the law according to the law. So far, I haven't even seen one shred of proof that would say Roberts is hiding some kind of "right wing" agenda. He just seems to be a fair and open-minded Conservative (in a good way), Republican, Catholic. There is nothing wrong with that; just like there is nothing wrong with me being a Consertive Anglican Democrat. If anything, Roberts may not even be "conservative;" he might just be a mainstream "moderate," which is what the Supreme Court needs. You know, not all Republicans have given into the religious right's bigoted agenda. As an article in the L.A. Times points out, Roberts even helped win a case involving gay rights...guess what...he fought for the rights of gays. Yup, that's right. So the liberals need to just shut up now and stop complaining. There is nothing to complain about.