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You will be automatically re-directed in three seconds. Click the link to go to the new blog now. Use the search function on the new blog to find any story you are looking for on here.I found out yesterday that almost 60% of any donations to the American Red Cross are being eaten up by overhead costs. DO not give to the American Red Cross.
If you want your money to be the most effective, please donate throught the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund. All donations earmarked for Hurricane Katrina will be used for just that, and nothing else.
The Episcopal Relief and Development Fund:
If you or anyone you know of in the Triad area has vacant or unused rental properties, please contact Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. They are wanting people to doante their properties for a minimum of three months to house those affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Holy Trinity Church
607 North Greene Street
Greensboro, North Carolina 27401
Phone (336) 272-6149
Fax (336) 272-6197
Maybe the number is wrong, but all of the money is still not going directly to the victims of Katrina. With ERD, the Church is paying overhead cost out of pocket, thereby allowing 100% of donations earmarked for Katrina relief going toward helping those affected.
6. How much of my donation will go toward the Hurricane Katrina relief effort?
All contributions made to the US Hurricane Fund at this time will go toward relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina.
Ninety percent of your individual or congregation’s contribution that is designated for the US Hurricane Fund goes to relief and recovery from Hurricane Katrina. 10% is retained for administrative and operational costs.
Per our last audited financial statements, about 80% of our expenditures went to our programs, while the rest went to fundraising and administration.
However, we are able to put 90% of every donor dollar to program work in the field as a result of additional income we receive from trust funds, contributed services and other income which we use to help cover administrative costs.
It would be nice to find an organization where our doantions will be used most effectively.