Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hate Crimes legislation passes US House as UNCG PRIDE! celebrates Hate Crimes Awareness Day

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Today, according to an article on, the United States House of Representatives passed the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act, which expands federal hate crimes laws to include crimes motivated on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The bill has passed in the Senate in sessions past but has always died in the House. The bill has a very good chance at becoming law. The Senate is currently hearing a similar bill. All of this occured today while UNCG PRIDE!, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning and Straight Allied Student Association, was celebrating their Hate Crimes Awareness Day. How very ironic! PRIDE!'s Hate Crimes Awareness Day included a "Wall of Hate." Student wrote words, symbolds, phrases, etc. which symbolized hate and at the end of the event, the wall was torn down, symbolizing the day when hate ceases to exist. For pictures of UNCG PRIDE!'s Hate Crimes Awareness Day event visit: