Wednesday, September 07, 2005

UNCG PRIDE! Meeting Sept. 8th

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UNCG PRIDE!, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning and Straight Allied Student Association will meet on Thursday, Sept. 8th at 7:30pm in Room 106 in the Graham Building (next to Weatherspoon Art Gallery, across the street from Aycock Auditorium). This week's topic: SEX TALK W/ REGINA, plus Officer Elections BE THERE OR BE SQUARE! Be sure to check out our website for other weekly meeting locations throughout the semester! HATE CRIMES AWARENESS DAY! Next Wednesday, Sept. 14, 11am-5:30pm, Fountain Plaza. Come by and speak your mind... Come help tear down the walls of hate!


i love your new picture Matt :)
Why thank you Madame!
posted by Blogger MHC at 9/07/2005 11:34:00 PM