Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI signs document banning gay seminarians

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According to an article from Newsday.com, it is reported that Pope Benedict XVI has signed a document banning gays from entering any Catholic seminary. According to the article:
Pope Benedict XVI is said to have approved a document saying that homosexual men should not be ordained as Roman Catholic priests, a conservative Catholic Web site reported yesterday. The long-anticipated document, prepared at the request of the late Pope John Paul II, reportedly calls on bishops to bar even chaste homosexuals from seminaries because their orientation is rooted in a personality disorder that may undermine their capacity to minister, according to Catholic World News. The report, posted yesterday on www.cwnews.com, an independent news service with links to the pope's American publisher, could not be independently corroborated, but several Vatican sources confirmed that such a document has been on his desk awaiting his decision. "If this is true, it's a disaster," said a gay priest who asked not to be named. "I know many celibate gay priests who feel they could not live with any integrity in a church that treats gay men like this. And I know many gay seminarians who have been living celibate lives with ease, who would simply leave." Since the recent priest sex abuse scandal, the issue of gay priests has gone from taboo to one of the most hotly debated aspects of the crisis. Noting that the overwhelming majority of victims were teenage boys, powerful members of the Roman Catholic hierarchy have framed the problem as homosexual priests unable to live chastely. Liberals tend to see the roots of the scandal in a culture of clerical secrecy and the church's mandatory celibacy requirement.
To read the full article, click here ======= I can't say it enough... no matter how many times I say it or so many other people say it, the Church will never hear us: The problem is not gay priests... it is pedophile and ephebophile priests The Church is trying to find a scapegoat and it is targeting the wrong population. Maybe they should start doing psych tests on all seminarians and figure out which ones are prone to sexually abusing children and teens instead of just passing this off on the gays. How long must gay people always be pointed to as "the problem" in our society?


Eh, it was expected. Maybe the next Pope will be more sane and do the good work of Christ instead of the legalistic work of Apostle Paul.

*listens as can of worms opens*
posted by Anonymous Anonymous at 9/20/2005 09:42:00 PM