Sunday, September 18, 2005

Rift over gays widens in the Anglican Church - Church of Nigeria removes itself from Communion

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According to an article on, the deep divisions over gays within the worldwide Anglican Communion have become even deeper after Saturday, Spetember 17, 2005, when the Archbishop of Nigeria, the Right Reverend Peter Akinola, announced that the Anglican Church in Nigeria would "delete all reference to Canterbury, the “mother” church of the Anglican Communion, from its constitution." According to the article:
Communion with Canterbury is regarded as one of the defining characteristics of Anglicanism. Rather than refer to Canterbury the Nigerian church constitution now says it is in communion with Churches, dioceses and provinces that uphold the “historic faith, doctrine, sacrament and discipline of the one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church”.
The move to remove itself from the Anglican Communion puts the Anglican Church in Nigeria one step away from creating a schism which could draw other conservative bodies around the world and forever split the Church in two. ===== The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Queen or somebody over there in England needs to step up now and bring this Church back together. There has been too much controversy and many people and church bodies, inlcuding the Rt. Rev. P. Akinola and his Nigerian Church, have gone way too far across the line. The debate within our Anglican Church should be characterized by civility and respect. I give credit to those who have been trying to do that. People need to stop "jumping to conclusions" and just sit back and see where all of this goes. I pray that God, the Father and Creator of all, leads His Church through this most tumultuous and difficult time. May the Church come to be what it was meant to be, through Jesus Christ our Lord, from whom alone comes the Mission of the Church. Amen. The Church Has One Foundation (1) The church has one foundation, ’Tis Jesus Christ her Lord; She is His new creation, Through water by the word. From heav’n He came and sought her To be His holy bride; With His own blood He bought her, And for her life He died. (5) Back to the one foundation, From sects and creeds made free, Come saints of every nation To blessed unity. Once more the ancient glory Shines as in days of old, And tells the wondrous story— One God, one faith, one fold.