Monday, October 10, 2005

Triad Equality Alliance launches new media campaign

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From Carolina Rainbow News (CRN Interactive): Triad Equality Alliance Launches Media Campaign Radio/Outdoor/Print Ads to Educate Public About Equality for Gays and Lesbians GREENSBORO – In October, Triad commuters will have much to hear, see – and consider – thanks to the Triad Equality Alliance (TEA). The agency rolled out a coordinated media campaign this week aimed at educating the public about issues affecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. TEA plans to communicate its message over four radio stations, advertisements in two local news publications, and seven billboards. TEA's mission is to eliminate prejudice and to secure social justice and civil rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people by educating and enlightening the general public about LGBT members of the community and the special issues affecting them. The month-long campaign is being funded in part by the Guilford Green Foundation, combined with donations TEA has received. “Issues such as gay marriage have largely faded from the headlines in the wake of the 2004 election,” said TEA Co-Chair Judith Kobler, “but sadly, discrimination continues to be front-and-center for thousands of people in the Triad.” Kobler adds that while issues of equality are important, “We also acknowledge in the campaign that the gay community enthusiastically participates in the life of the entire community.” The centerpiece of the campaign is 25 radio advertisements to be aired on WQMG 97.1, WSMW 98.7 (Simon), WJMH 102.1 (102JAMZ) and WMQX 93.1 (Oldies 93) on Monday mornings -- a total of 25 airings during the month. The radio ads relate a powerful message – that Americans do not tolerate discrimination against other groups of people, but tacitly support discrimination against gays and lesbians. The advertisements state that more than 1,000 laws discriminate against the LGBT community. “The ads frame the issue in a whole new way,” said Kobler. TEA is also posting seven billboards throughout the Triad. These advertisements will feature local LGBT persons with the message “we are your neighbors, and we are gay.” “This part of the campaign is powerful,” said Kobler, “because it shows our beauty, strength and diversity.” The billboard models will also be featured in print advertisements in the weekly publications Relish and Go Triad. “When all is said and done, thousands of people will receive this message,” said Kobler. For more information, please go to The web site allows the community to listen to the radio ads, and shares more information about the overall campaign. -END- For more information, visit