Saturday, December 17, 2005

Lesbian teen sues former school for expulsion

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According to an article published by the Southern Voice, a Georgia lesbian teen has sued her former school for expelling her. The school in Loganville, GA, is a private, Christian school and the teen, Jessica Bradley, has filed a lawsuit seeking $1 million in damages. The lawsuit alleges that Emmaline M. McKinnon, principal of Covenant Christian Academy, wrongfully expelled Bradley under the school's 'sexual immorality' rules. Bradley had been accused of kissing another girl at a sleepover off campus. According to the article:
Jessica Bradley, 15, acknowledges in the lawsuit that a fellow female Covenant Academy student kissed her at a private sleepover party away from school property on April 22, and also that she had been in a relationship with a different girl. But Bradley denies that her behavior violated the school’s discipline code because the rules do not specifically state same-sex kissing is grounds for expulsion, according to her attorney, Dave Clark of Lawrenceville, Ga. “The school’s prohibition against sexual immorality is too vague to be enforced,” Clark said, explaining the breach of contract complaint. By making only general references to the Bible and scripture and what kind of behavior is expected of students, the school failed to make clear what actions it required of students to avoid expulsion, he said. “What Jessica did is not ‘expressly forbidden in scripture’ and a legal contract cannot be based upon vague ‘principles of divine revelation,’ as stated in the student handbook,” he said.
The court will be forced to rule on whether or not 'sexual immorality' included or did not include gay behavior. Private contracts, such as those entered into between Bradley, her father and the school, are not held to the same strict standards as public contracts in areas such as discrimination. Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,