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op-ed piece in The Detroit News points out a serious flaw in America's conservative movement to "protect and defend the family." The radical conservatives might be wanting to protect the family, but it seems they are nothing but willing to destroy families, too... well, families with gays included anyway.
The op-ed piece tells the story of families with same-sex parents and their fight against the Oklahoma law which prohibits both same-sex parents from adopting children and from recognizing the second parent as a legal guardian. North Carolina also only allows one same-sex parent to legally adopt children.
These parents are loving and committed to their children. They are even willing to give up their homes, their jobs and their life in Oklahoma just to protect their children if they do not win out in the battle to get the Oklahoma law overturned. The fight has made its way to federal court in a lawsuit brought by Lambda Legal.
It is a shame that children are being put into the middle of this very nasty debate over homosexuality in America. The debate is nothing more than this: Some people want rights equal to everyone else, while others want the right to say who is wrong, who is right and who gets to be equal or not.
Shame on our governments for putting the welfare of children in limbo while they fight over the "hell-bound homosexuals."
Good parents -- gay or straight -- shouldn't have to fear that some government agency is going to take away their kids.
Anne Magro, Gay Oklahoma Parent