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You will be automatically re-directed in three seconds. Click the link to go to the new blog now. Use the search function on the new blog to find any story you are looking for on here.According to an article on Yahoo! News (
article), a new magazine has "come out" and it is the first magazine in North America to be written for and by gay youth.
Young Gay America was created by Benjie Nycum and Mike Glatze. They wanted to give gay youth something which would make them feel like they belong and not so alone in the world. Four issues have been made so far and sales have been through through roof.
In Winston-Salem,
YGA is being carried by Borders Books and probably many other stores around the city and in other areas such as Greensboro. Finally gay youth have something to call their own within the plethora of teen mags available for purchase today.
Now, there is no doubt that many of our area's religiously radical right nutcases will try to get places such as Borders to remove the magazines in the name of "family values" and "morality." Hopefully the stores which are selling
YGA will stand up to the bigotry and hatred of these individuals and keep it to where gay youth can have access to a magazine made just for them and by them. Its about time us gay youth have our own magazine. We've earned it!