Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Canada legalizes marriage for gay couples

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According to an article on (article), Canada has become the fourth country inthe world to legalize marriage for gay couples nationwide. Canadian marriage equality is the first in the Americas. The Canadian Senate voted 45-21 to pass the legislation and it is expected to be signed into law soon. The legislation was passed in the House of Commons on June 28. It is nice to know that a nation in the Americas has taken the steps to legally recognize the loving, committed relationships of all its people, gay or straight. With Canada's approval of marriage equality, maybe America can grow closer to the point at which we might be able to one day do the same. Many more conservative minded persons and people with more conservative religious views have voiced concern over marriage equality. I understand their concern; they are concerned that the government will force them to accept something which they believe is wrong. The Canadian government should do all that it can in order to make these more conservative minded people more comfortable with their decision to have marriage equality. It must be understood that no one wishes for anyone to abandon their principals and that no church will be forced into doing what it does not want to do. There must be room for respect and acceptance on both sides of the issue here: The government must respect and accept LGBT persons and their relationships, but the government must also respect and accept those persons who may not totally agree. Respect and acceptance is what will either make or break this new marriage equality in Canada. If conservative minded people feel as though the government is threatening them, they will not respect the government and will work even harder to stop marriage equality. IF LGBT persons feel as though the government is threatening them, they will not respect the government. As a nation, Canada must build bridges and bring its citizens together.