HRC names the "Top 10" straight advocates of LGBT equality
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Included in the list are actress Kristin Chenoweth, the Rev. Al Sharpton, Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, actress Felicity Huffman, talk show host Cristina Saralegui, the Rev. Norm Kansfield, Peter Hams, IBM executive Ted Childs, hip-hop artist Kanye West and Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero. "Being out and open about our lives is not just for gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people, but for everyone who cares about equality," said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "These 10 leaders for fairness represent millions of family members, people of faith, friends and co-workers who are helping make America fairer and more equal." The list emphasizes this year's Coming Out Project theme "Talk About It," which encourages fair-minded people to talk openly and honestly about their lives and the inequalities LGBT Americans face under law. "Every single time we talk about it, we are one step closer to equality," said Solmonese. "Each word helps build bridges that change hearts and minds - and eventually our laws." "We need to tear down the barriers that separate us," said Sharpton. "I am honored not only to be named on this list, but also to stand with my gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender brothers and sisters to end hatred and intolerance wherever they live."To see the full "Top 10" list visit: