Feud breaks out between gay groups over Alito nomination
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Patrick Guerriero, Log Cabin’s executive director, said the gay and AIDS groups and their liberal advocacy allies are opposing Alito on ideological grounds, despite his recognized skills as a lawyer and his demonstrated knowledge of constitutional law. Guerriero said many of the gay and non-gay groups opposing Alito on ideological grounds called on Senate Republicans to put aside ideological issues when Clinton nominated Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 1993 and Stephen G. Breyer in 1994. Ginsburg and Breyer were considered liberal-to-moderate jurists with records supporting civil rights cases. “Our angle on this is the rules applied for justices nominated by Republican presidents should not be any different than those nominated by Democratic presidents,” Guerriero said.===== As you can see, simple political games are again making their way through LGBT groups. The more liberal groups are siding with the Democrats while groups like the Log Cabin Republicans are taking more conservative stands. I think all of the groups need to stop bickering. Patrick Guerriero needs to stop playing games and accusing his fellow LGBT citizens, activists and lobbyists of things which they may not necessarily be doing. With as many problems as there are concerning the state of LGBT rights in this country, all of the LGBT rights and lobbying groups need to stop fighting each other and work together. Now is the time for solidarity and collaborative action, not bickering and feuding. Get over your egos people. Technorati Tags: lgbt, gay rights, washington, alito, supreme court, politics
Part of the larger problem, is that many LGBT groups, like the NGLTF, are set on building a liberal alliance to the exclusion of moderates or conservatives who may support equality. This leaves little role for groups like the Log Cabin Republicans, who are justifiably upset by the trend. Equality won't be achieved by only reaching out to those that are most supportive - this is where organizations like the Log Cabin Republicans can be of the most use, but they won't be if the LGBT community always seeks to marginalize them.