Friday, January 13, 2006

CNN to fund gay scholarship

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According to an article published by News, CNN will fund a gay journalism scholarship for students. CNN announced a donation of $100,000 to the National Gay & Lesbian Journalists Association Scholarship Fund, an endowment for those students seeking a career in journalism. According to the article:
The Leroy F. Aarons Scholarship Award is named in the memory of the late Leroy F. Aarons, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and editor and the founder of the NLGJA. The $5,000 Aarons scholarship will be awarded annually to an LGBT undergraduate or graduate student who plans a career in journalism and is committed to furthering NLGJA's mission of fair and accurate coverage of the LGBT community. "This unprecedented gift from CNN is a milestone for NLGJA as the largest single gift from a news media company to the organization," said Pamela Strother, NLGJA Executive Director. "CNN has ensured that the Aarons Award will be fully funded and has provided a solid base to our endowment to allow us to grow our awards program to help even more deserving journalism students."
Leroy F. Aarons, for hwom the fund is named was a dedicated journalist up until the time he died in 2004. He believed that if the news media just did its job by telling the truth, then the LGBT community could advance. The deadline to apply for the Leroy F. Aarons Scholarship Award is February 1. For more information visit: Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , ,