Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Urgent Petition from EqualityNC: School Counselors Must Serve LGBT Students

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From EqualityNC We need your help! The far-right Family Policy Council is trying to prevent school counselors and social workers from meeting the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students. Help us make sure the State Board of Education doesn't let extreme religious views win. Sign our petition to the Board today. Sign online at: The Board will be voting on revisions to the professional standards for school social workers and school counselors at their next meeting on November 2 and 3. The proposed updates include requirements that these professionals understand discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and other categories. But the Family Policy Council doesn't want schools workers aiding LGBT youth and wants to take sexual orientation and gender identity out of the policy. They would prefer that school counselors impose their anti-gay religious beliefs on LGBT students and even make the absurd and offensive claim that "sexual orientation" can include pedophilia. Get more information and sign the petition online at: Equality NC is working hard to ensure that all students have a safe and affirming place to learn, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Thank you for helping us fight the radical right. For Equality, Ian Palmquist and Ed Farthing, Executive Directors For more information concerning LGBT Youth, School Counselors and the attack from the NC Family Policy Council visit: