Monday, December 26, 2005's top news story of the year

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You will be automatically re-directed in three seconds. Click the link to go to the new blog now. Use the search function on the new blog to find any story you are looking for on here. News, a source I use often, has chosen its top gay news story of 2005. According to the article, the news group had over 4,000 news pieces to choose from and finally decided on California's marriage equality legislation. According to the article:
The year began with the after effects of the tsunami on the LGBT communities of the Pacific and ended with same-sex civil partnerships in Britain. In between there was Katrina, wins and losses for gay parents and a new bid to pass hate crimes legislation in Congress. But one event stood out among all the stories - passage of same-sex marriage legislation in California, the first time any state legislature had made blanket support for gay marriage.
For the entire article, and the news story of the year (which includes numerous articles on the issue), click here. Sometime later in the week, after I have had time to reflect and think on it, I will choose the top news story/post/issue of the year for The Blog. Have a favorite? Just comment and let me know; if people comment, I'll choose the best out of my readers' favorites (or the one with the most votes). Technorati Tags: , , , ,