Saturday, December 24, 2005

Journal: Sugarplums for Allies, Coal for the anti-gay

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The Editors of The Winston-Salem Journal compiled their list of naughty and nice today. Among the many good and bad persons, Straight Allies received their well-deserved sugarplums while anti-gay persons received coal (excerpts):
Sugarplum: To the voters of Winston-Salem who finally took Vernon Robinson off the city council. Sugarplum: To Bishop Michael Curry, the leader of thousands of area Episcopalians of varied viewpoints, who had the guts to preach a sermon in Winston-Salem urging his flock to welcome gays. Coal: To the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, which voted overwhelmingly to break away from any member church that "knowingly affirms, approves or endorses homosexual behavior."
The voters of Winston-Salem elected Mllu Leight, a Democrat who has never run for office, to replace multi-term City Councilman Vernon Robinson. As one of the city's biggest homophobes and bigots, Robinson held a counter-protest to my April 2004 protest of the Boy Scout membership policies during his Republican primary run for the 5th Congressional District (which he also lost). The Right Reverend Micheal B Curry, Bishop of North Carolina delivered the keynote address to the first annual awards dinner of PFLAG Winston-Salem, which was held at St Paul's Episcopal Church in September. I was there to see him speak and to partake in the joys of that night. He spoke eloquently and many of my good friends and colleagues received the well-deserved recognition for all of their hard work in advocating for LGBT adults and youth. I covered the North Carolina Baptist State Convention's anti-gay decision in the November. I was embarassed that such a decision had to be made in my hometown of Winston-Salem. It is nice to see the good staff at The Journal can tell good from bad and ally from bigot; by doing so, they have become allies themselves. Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,


And now the idiot's running for state senate, I hear
The guy can't take a hint can he? He is nothing more than a divider in local politics... something which we do not need.

The Republican Party will probably not back him, just like they didn't back him when he ran for its Chairmanship. No body likes they guy.
posted by Blogger MHC at 12/24/2005 01:15:00 PM