Monday, January 23, 2006

UNCG PRIDE! to focus on the "T" in "LGBT"

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According to the website of UNCG PRIDE!, the group will hold a meeting to focus solely on transgender issues. On Thursday, January 26, 2006, UNCG PRIDE!, the LGBTQA student group at UNCG, will hold its meeting, entitled "Transgeneration". Two guest speakers will help to educate the group about transgender issues and engage them into a discussion about those issues. According to the website:
Please join PRIDE! and our two guest speakers as we discuss and educate ourselves on transgender issues... Transgender individuals (the all important "T" in "LGBT") are, sadly, often overlooked in the LGBT Movement and LGBTQA organizations. We hope you'll join us for this meeting on Thursday, January 26, 2006 at 7:30pm in Cone Ballroom B of the Elliott University Center.
Nominations for Vice President, Program Coordinator and Outreach Coordinator will also be open. Technorati Tags: , , , , , , ,