Georgia activists & advocates prepare for new struggles in upcoming legislative session
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And gay advocates aren't encouraged by Gov. Sonny Perdue's recent appointment of Mary Dean Harvey to head the state's Division of Family and Children Services. When in a similar role in Nebraska, Harvey issued a directive barring foster children from being placed with homosexuals or unmarried couples. "We feel like the extreme conservative right feel like after the election last year, they have us on the run," Bowen said. "They'll continue to chip away at any rights gays and lesbians might have."Activists also say that they will fight against new legislation which seeks to discourage youth from participating in gay-straight student organizations. Lawmakers have revived legislation which would require parental notification and permission for student participation in after-school clubs and programs (this has never been required before). Many activists have pointed out that parental permission was never an issue until the gay-straight student clubs began forming in Georgia schools. The Georgia gay lobby hopes that the Legislature will focus on more important issues this session - issues such as the economy, jobs, healthcare - but they are ready for a legislative battle if the need should arise. Technorati Tags: gay youth, gay, lgbt, gay rights, gay straight alliance, gay adoption, georgia