After hitting Greensboro, KKK moves over to Durham
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Shady Creek Drive is a racially diverse neighborhood. That's why people are concerned about what's inside the blue bags tossed on driveways over the weekend. Homeowner Annie Vample read the note inside. "They are trying to get trouble started, and I had hoped that we had come too far in race relations for that to happen here in Durham." "They" are the people behind a two-sided flyer calling this month's Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday a "national day of disgrace" and painting him as a hypocrite. The people who wrote this call King a communist and a closeted gay man. Vample calls the flyer's writers. "Cowards, because they aren't coming forward. They are doing it when no one is watching." The flyer she got early Friday lists Pastor Thomas Robb as national director of the Knights Party. Eyewitness News called the organization and got this message. "You have reached Christian Concepts. We are unavailable to take your call at this time. If you are calling for an information packet, please send three dollars to Christian Concepts." When flyers linked to the same Klan group surfaced in Chapel Hill last December, Robb told the News and Observer he has people in North Carolina who distribute the literature.===== Oh well... it may be scary, but we all know that the efforts of KKK members are nothing but lost causes that will never go anywhere. You know, that kind of reminds me of the efforts of the radical Right: futile. Technorati Tags: gay, lgbt, gay rights, kkk, greensboro, durham, north carolina