Saturday, July 09, 2005

Vatican condemns Spain/Canada marriage equality

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According to Express Gay News (article) the Vatican has condemned votes in both Spain and Canada supporting marriage equality for same-sex couples. The Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, called Spain and Canada's new marriage equality laws "violent and direct attacks against the family." His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has said that same-sex unions are one factor damaging marriage in the Western World. The Holy Father has also said that same-sex unions are "pseudo-marriage between persons of the same sex," according to L'Osservatore Romano. I wonder why the Vatican and so many other reilgious groups and churches are calling marriage equality "attacks" upon the "traditional" family and family values. It seems to me as though opening marriage to all persons, regardless of gender does nothing but strengthen the family by making sure that every type of family is protected by the laws and statutes of their respective nations and communities. If the Vatican wants to know what a real "attack" on the "traditional" family would be, I'll tell them: Take away all marriage rights and benefits from straight couples. If that were to happen, then maybe the Vatican and other groups would come to know what a real "attack" would be.