Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Administration ignores request of LGBT groups

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According to an article published by 365gay.com, the Administration has refused to honr the Freedom of Information Act request made by Servicemembers Legal Defense Network after it learned that the FBI might have used its power to spy on LGBT groups in America. According to the article:
The reports said that the Pentagon had spied on New York University law school’s LGBT advocacy group OUTlaw and gay groups at the State University of New York at Albany and William Patterson College in New Jersey. The FOIA request included a demand for “any and all documents” concerning meetings and communications within and between LGBT organizations, including SLDN. The filing included a request for “reports, video recordings, audio recording and photographs” obtained through Pentagon surveillance. Joining SLDN were Gays & Lesbians Against Defamation; the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association; the Human Rights Campaign; the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission; the Los Angeles Lesbian & Gay Center; the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund; Lambdas, Chicago-Kent College of Law; the Mautner Project; the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Projects; the National Youth Advocacy Coalition; Outlaws, University of Michigan School of Law; Pride at Work, AFL-CIO; QLaw, University of Wisconsin School of Law; and OUTLAW, Stanford Law School.
While the Administration did respind, it didn't do so with an answer we all would have wanted. The AMdinstration is refusing to turn over any material and says that the groups did not "reasonably describe" the materials which they were seeking. According to the article, "The Department of Defense turned down the request saying that SLDN is not an organization primarily engaged in disseminating information to the public and that there is no imminent loss of substantial due process rights." SLDN vows that it will continue to try to get the documents. ======= After all that has happened with the Bush Administration it would not surprise me if they had actually spied on LGBT groups just because they were LGBT groups. Yeah, they could probably come up with some lame excuse to try to justify it like they always do but LGBT Americans would still feel betrayed and our rights would have been violated. I guess the reason why they want to hide these documents so badly is becuase they know they have done wrong and broken the law. Maybe they just want to stay out of trouble... and no one can blame the Bush Administration for that; I mean, come on... every tyrant in history has been given a chance to save himself. Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , , ,


It seems pretty clear what was being requested to me. It is shameful that the FBI turned down the request. Some of us are pretty concerned here at NYU, as we were one of the groups monitored for protesting the anti-gay recruitment efforts on campus. Pretty burdensome to the freedom to protest if you ask me.